Ghost Adventures is a documentary film that is 87 minutes long, created by Zak Bagans and Nick Groff in 2004, and it inspired the hit TV series with the same title. The target audience of this documentary film are fans of the supernatural and thrill seekers, because it is said to include the creepiest footage ever caught on tape.
In this documentary, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin visit the Old Washoe Club in Virginia City and the Goldfield Hotel in Goldfield, Nevada; two of the most notorious haunted sites in the Country. During the height of their existence, the two locations were the scene of rape, murder and other crimes, which the team believed was a "recipe for trapped souls". During the film, the team witness a full-bodied apparition, a poltergeist and more evidence pointing to the supernatural's existence.
In this documentary, many establishing shots are used to show the creepy locations that the team will be investigating. This is typical of many ghost hunting products as it creates a tense ambiance by using dark or harshly lit areas of the location. They also use night vision like most other ghost hunting documentaries, because it allows the audience to see in the dark (which is most likely to happen on a ghost hunt). POV shots were used at different points as it makes it look to the audience like they are there with the team, therefore making it a spookier experience.
Our product will be similar to this in the camera angles that we use; we will use several establishing shots to show the audience our location, and we will also be using night vision and POV shots. This overall will make our product more successful as it will suit the ghost hunting genre.
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