Ghostfacers is an American web-series spin-off created by Eric Kripke, and was aired in 2010 with 10 episodes. Each episode is around 30 minutes long and is posted weekly. The target audience of this web-series are fans of the American horror/fantasy/drama called Supernatural, due to the fact that this is where the show originated.
Ghostfacers are a fictional group of ghost hunters created by the show Supernatural. After their original reality show TV pilot within the show was destroyed by the characters Sam and Dean Winchester, the Ghostfacers continued their quest for the supernatural and fame in their separate web series., this is a teaser clip for the documentary series that was released online, featuring a major character from Supernatural. This was released to bring more attention to the upcoming series. This clip has used night vision which is typical of a documentary on the paranormal, as is hand-held camera which was also used. Most of this clip is hand-held camera because it is meant to look like it is first person, from the characters points of view. This entire scene was also filmed in a poorer quality and at some points the fourth wall is broken to show the characters talking to the other characters, but also the audience. At the beginning of the clip, text is used and appears on the screen in a typewriter like way which is used to make it look like an undercover mission; this makes the whole product more comedic because of the way lines are said and what action occurs.
Our product will be quite similar to this one because we are using many of the same techniques; night vision and hand-held camera. This is because our documentary was formed on the same idea of it being a spoof documentary, meaning that it is meant to look funny and fake for the idea of comedy.
Austin Basis - Kenny Spruce
A.J. Buckley - Ed Zeddmore
Brittany Ishibashi - Maggie Zeddmore
Travis Wester - Harry Spangler
Link to IMDb page:, this is a teaser clip for the documentary series that was released online, featuring a major character from Supernatural. This was released to bring more attention to the upcoming series. This clip has used night vision which is typical of a documentary on the paranormal, as is hand-held camera which was also used. Most of this clip is hand-held camera because it is meant to look like it is first person, from the characters points of view. This entire scene was also filmed in a poorer quality and at some points the fourth wall is broken to show the characters talking to the other characters, but also the audience. At the beginning of the clip, text is used and appears on the screen in a typewriter like way which is used to make it look like an undercover mission; this makes the whole product more comedic because of the way lines are said and what action occurs.
Our product will be quite similar to this one because we are using many of the same techniques; night vision and hand-held camera. This is because our documentary was formed on the same idea of it being a spoof documentary, meaning that it is meant to look funny and fake for the idea of comedy.
Austin Basis - Kenny Spruce
A.J. Buckley - Ed Zeddmore
Brittany Ishibashi - Maggie Zeddmore
Travis Wester - Harry Spangler
Link to IMDb page:
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